Opposition leader Raila Odinga supporter Shadrack Omondi Orwa alias Omosh in deep thought as he waited to plead to the charges before court./PHOTO BY S.A.N.


A supporter of Raila Odinga has been charged before a Nairobi with offensive conduct.

Shadrack Omondi Orwa alias Omosh appeared before Milimani Principal Magistrate Albert Shikwe and denied the charges.

The charges stated that on 9th May 2023 at an unknown place in a public gathering used threatening and abusive words.

It is alleged that he uttered the words, “Baba enda Russia utuletee bunduki, maaskari wote wakae raia, kila mtu apewe bunduki yake tuingie state house,” words which were intended to provoke breach of peace.

“Omosh” was arraigned under a miscellaneous application as the investigation officer asked to detain him for 14 to complete the probe against him but the court granted the police one week.

His lawyer Danstan Omari, urged the court to release the accused on a cash bail of Sh5,000.

The lawyer pointed out that the charge sheet stated that the words were uttered in a gathering which is not possible.

Omari told the magistrate that the matter is a political case, which might not proceed to full trial as the state is notorious for withdrawing such charges.

“Omosh is a young man and aspiring politician who is fighting for the rights of millions of Kenyans on the high cost of living. We urge this court to release him on reasonable bail terms,” Omari urged the court.

He was released on a bond of Sh100,000 or alternative cash bail of Sh50,000.

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