Deputy Senior Public Prosecution Moses Omirera displays sample documentary evidence during the workshop on Monday June 12.2017/ PHOTO BY S. A. N.

Election offenders will face stiff penalties once convicted, the office of Director of Prosecution has warned.

105 special prosecutors have been trained and posted to all the counties to handle criminal charges under the elections offences Act, Deputy Senior prosecution Omirera Said.
For example, double voter registration will attract fines of up-to one million shillings or one year imprisonment in default. The convict will note be excluded from voting for two consecutive elections.
The other cases that have severe sanctions include hate speech,  incitement to violence and creating disturbance in public fora.

He further added Office of Director of Public Prosecution (ODDP) to ensure general elections are fair.

Mr Omirera said Dpp office will play its role fearless  and make sure that the August 8 general elections will be free and fair.

Speaking during a media workshop on elections preparedness in Machakos County, he said that there are 31 cases pending in court  involving 62 individuals among them an aspiring governor, an MP and two sitting MCAs are facing electoral offences in court.

The offences are alleged to have been committed during the voter registration nomination primaries.

Omirera added that ODPP has established a special 24 hour call centre to help the public report on election malpractices .

Further Omirera said that an MOU has been signed with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission to ensure that its officials testify in court since most of have largely witness election related crimes.

The prosecuting office further says that it has established an election hate speech and incitement unit to make ensure that the elections are free and fair.

He urged the media to cooperate with his office by providing crucial evidence to prosecute perpetrators of election offences by politicians and their supporters.

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