Activist Okiya Omtatah addressing the media after filed a case challenging decision to merger of National Police Service and Administration Police Service announced by President Uhuru Kenyatta yesterday.

Activist Okiya Omtatah in court seeking to stop the implementation of National Police Service and Administration Police Service merger announced by President Uhuru Kenyatta yesterday.

Omtatah claim the implementation of the reforms translates to irregular, unlawful and unconstitutional changes.

He wants the reforms and changes announced by President Uhuru Kenyatta on 13 September 2108 declared unconstitutional.

Okiya argue that neither President or CS Interior and co-ordination of national government have the power to interfere with structure of the two forces.

He wants the court to quash announcement by the President titled ” Policy framework and strategy for reorganization of the National Police Service and provision of decent and affordable housing for and integration with communities and neighborhood.

“The reforms or changes over the NPS that includes changes in structure and command and the integration of KPS and AP or changes that touch on uniforms the rebranding and information of housing for junior officers are constitutional” Omtatah says.

Its the petitioner’s argument that Article 143 of the constitution establishes the National Police Service comprising of Administration Police Service and NPS which had totally different role to play of matter of provision of security in the country.

The establishment of National Police Service was a major contentious issue during the constitutional review process which was resolved through broad consensus, it can not be done through pronouncement by the President.

“Changes in police force can only be done by the Inspector General of Police and not the President or CS Interior: Omtatah claims.