rwFour county askaris Ambani Akasi alias Wasi Wasi Alfred Maranya alias Brown, Marigo Protus Magara Alias Sarara and Julius Omanyo Ochieng linked with the killing of Hawkersin Nairobi at Milimani law court on Tuesday February 2, 2016.

Nairobi County Government has suspended five city askaris after they were exposed in an investigative TV series.

Nairobi governor Dr Evans Kidero suspended the five after they were exposed on KTN’s Jicho Pevu for criminal acts including extortion, brutally and murder.

Governor Kidero posted the statement on his Facebook page.

The 25-minute film particularly highlights the injustice that hawkers on the streets of Nairobi are often subjected to by the rogue officers.

The film shows different scenes where city askaris are seen swooping on hawkers, brutalizing them and confiscating their wares.

Following the airing of the film, now governor Kidero has vowed to take action any officers implicated in such acts.

“I would like to assure Nairobi residents that I will not sit back and allow a few rotten individuals to take us back to the old council habits,” Kidero said in the statement.

The suspended officers were named as ;
– Angeline Kamami aka Kamatha (Man no. COO –  74731)
– Bernard Muli aka Gathauthau (Man no. COO –  74735)
– Ambani Akasi – In custody  (Man no. CO2 – 72930)
– Julius Ochieng – In custody  (Man no. CO2 – 64911)
– Alfred Muranya – In custody (Man no. CO2 – 21248)

This come just a week after the High Court granted bond to four city askaris accused of killing a city hawker last year in Nairobi.

The four city askaris were released on a Sh2million bond with a similar surety.

Justice James Wakiaga also directed the City Inspectorate Department to redeploy them from Central Business Center (CBD) to other sections of the city.

The four council askaris are being accused to be behind a spate of killings of hawkers in Nairobi.

They were however ordered to report to the OCS Central police station after every 30 days.



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