
Amos Olempaka IIchamus spokesman with members IIchamus community after  filing a suit accusing Baringo Service Board of discriminating them over appointment to the County Government on Tuesday November 15,2016.

Members of  Illchamus Community based in Baringo County have moved to the high court seeking its intervention over employment inequality in Baringo County.

 The community accuses Baringo Service Board of discriminating them over appointment to the County Government.

 Illchamus Community also known as Njemps originate and reside in Baringo County, saying that the County’s Public service Board did in 2015 advertise for position of employment within the County.

The members through the law firm of Saende and Ochola advocates, claim that they applied for the positions which they considered were qualified, but to their surprise none of them was taken.

The community filed the suit through Amos Ledaa Olempaka,Lewuamban Lekichep, Rangal Lemeiguran. Kanyaman Tikoyan, Roisan Lesningo and Jones Kachata Kirati.

The Board employed a total of 3305 which comprised members from Kalenjin , Tugen and Pokot ethnic group.

“There attempt through their representatives to have their voice heard by the County government has not been fruitful” there lawyer says.

Mr Saende says   that he  will be seeking  on  their behalf that  the court makes a declaration, that  board and  the  County  government have a duty under Articel 56 of the constitution to regard to the  minorities group living in the  County.

He says that the high court has jurisdiction to make a declaration that the marginalized and discrimination by the Board and County Government of Baringo refusing to over employment to qualified persons from Illchamus community is unconstitutional.

The court will be further asked to make an order to the Board and the County government to reconsider and give priority to the minority group when making appointments to the County.

Mr Saende says there’s a report on Ethnic and Diversity Audit of the County of 2016 prepared by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission which has not been implemented, and the applicants will apply for order to compel the County government to implement the same.

 There case will be placed before a constitutional for further orders.

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