President Uhuru Kenyatta with some youth dancer's at statehouse/PHOTO COURTESY.



I am constrained to understand the vision, the mission, and the objectives of Jubilee government. If it exists, the care is at a lesser scale for the youth of this nation. Every former President that has presided over this country from Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel Moi and Mwai Kibaki talks about youth and unemployment.

President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto too have not changed the youth narrative and or perspective neither have their foot soldiers addressed the youth agenda conclusively.

It is not just a mere issue; allow me to say that the youth issue is a ticking time bomb. Our ancestors have told us that an empty mind is the devils workshop.

Now, apart from being devils workshops, who are the youth of this country, what makes them youth of this country, why are they a ticking time bomb? Allow me to discuss this critical issue as follows;

One thing is for sure, President Kenyatta loves the youth of this country and the youth do love him. He has used slung asking the youth not to let him down.  It is time now for him not to let the youth of Kenya down.

I wish to suggest a national audit to be done on youth empowerment programs from the national government and all funds channeled for youth empowerment. Though the findings may scare the president to the core, the youth of Kenya are suffering.  How do you address this suffering?

Just like the national needs assessment of 2016 that informed the overhaul of the education system, a national audit should be conducted and recommendations made thereof. Kenya is capable of doing the audit within three months and make well thought out commendations for adoption.

When NYS saga blew up, time came calling for the president to look at what is ailing the youth because the illness that has eaten the youth fund is the same illness being manifested in the National Youth Service.

The saga reminds of a demeaning saying Kazi kwa vijana, pesa kwa wazee. Mr President, order for an independent audit of youth funds. Do these funds benefit the intended beneficiaries?

I wish also to suggest that a youth employment policy be put in place. Mr President, why should someone straight from college or university or high school be given money to start a business?

It is worth noting that the person you encourage to start small businesses is very green, has never been in possession of money, maybe only school fees. Are we as a country doing things upside down?

If a youth went to the bank for credit, accessing that credit will be a mountain to climb because the bank wants security for its money and how the youth will refund the credit is on a total trust basis.

Who should be encouraged to start their own business, is it an inexperienced young person or it is an experienced older person who will employ the young people?

Lest we forget, a young person has a lot of energy to work and do everything within a shorter time. To achieve the big four agenda of President Kenyatta, who does he need most?

An argument would be floated, that the president would need experienced persons. It is true to the extent that experience is not pegged on the duration of time one is in a certain situation but how actively one decodes life principles. Give the youth an opportunity they say potential without opportunity is impotent.

I am also suggesting that revision of the youth policy will address the issue of youth unemployment, at what point a young person can join government and what is the maximum age to be a government employee.

Mr President, not even the counties address youth unemployment. A survey shows that the people running county governments have been devolved from defunct municipal councils, cronyism and nepotism have gained root in many counties.

Development planners will tell you without a blink that stakeholder involvement is key just as the beneficiaries are and I believe that this was the idea that informed public participation in the constitution.

Mr President, you asked for help from the youth of this country, and they gave it to you without balances, it is time you prioritize the youth of Kenya and their welfare.

This is my just opinion; you can take, ignore it or dismiss it in totality.

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