The family of a former Garissa County finance executive officer who is fighting for his life after he was shot in the head is now accusing the Director of Public Prosecution and the DCI for not investigating the further to bring all people involved in court.
Dr Aden Mukhtar, the father of former Garissa County finance CEC Idriss Mukhtar while addressing the media at Milimani Law Court said that they took Idriss to India for further specialized treatment but lamented on how the investigations are taking long.
“Our hopes of getting justice is fading and is almost diminishing am going to see my son with a broken heart. There’s no justice here. This petition will go to the high court and will see if we can now get another justice from the judges or will see if these people are commanding judge’s ” said Dr Aden.
He said his life could be danger after filing the petition because his son was shot over the degree issue.
He said the family is disappointed with state agencies that are tasked to do justice for victims especially office of DPP and DCI.
“The DPP is paying what Korane did to his father during the campaigns. That’s our interpretation as a family because all supporters of Korane voted for Senator Haji” Said Dr Aden.
He accused the Director of Criminal Investigations of being part of alleged cover-up.
“The DCI cannot be spared now, i think he is part of coverup. I have seen him three times at his office. The last time i saw him i went there at 8:00 am and i was sitting there the whole day i met him at 8 PM at night camping there to see him, when i saw him i think it was normal story investigation is going on” said Aden.
While speaking to NairobiTimez over the allegations, Director of Criminal Investigation George Kinoti termed the allegation of cover up as malicious and baseless.
“Let them shame me before God and Kenyans, public by giving,exposing to Kenyans that called ‘ part of cover up’” DCI Kinoti said while speaking to NairobiTimez.
“They have a brilliant and seasoned lawyer who i am confident cannot spare me or anybody without disclosing to Kenyans that what am covering up. I humanly understand their pain that shutters patience and strength. It is not the first case that i am still straining and laboring to find the nexus but sure to”. Said DCI.
Two accused were in September charged with the attempted murder of former Garissa CEC Idriss Mukhtar.
Mohamud Aden and Juliet Njoki were also charged with conspiracy to kill lawyer Charles Kanjama.
“Three suspects were arrested and two are due for trial. It is easier said than done. It is easy to condemn the DCI but the same accusers given same situation, can be interesting to see how they would act or respond” DCI Kinoti told NairobiTimez.
The governor and his brother are behind the shooting of my son.
He further accused the sitting governor Ali Korane for the said shooting of his son who is currently admitted in hospital under critical conditions.
He said he applied for early retirement from the civil servants to avoid being victimized for criticizing the authorities.
“I wrote to TSC seeking and asked for early retirement and i want to thank the commission they have allowed to leave the job” Muktar father said.
He said that his son is still in a comma and that according to the doctors even if he recovers, his son will suffer permanent disability.
The suspects were accused of attempting to murder Mukhtar on August 19 and plotting to kill Kanjama between July 1 and September 27.
They denied the charges before Nairobi chief magistrate Francis Andayi.