28 year old George Gitau Maina with his lawyer in Sh 140 million  before Nairobi Court on Wednesday November 7,2018.


Police allowed to detain the second suspect in Sh 140 million for 14 days to investigate how monies allegedly in Dubai while on transit.

The suspect George Gitau Maina was ordered detained at Muthaiga Police Station after the officers from the Directorate of Criminal investigations (DCI) made an application to detain him pending the conclusion of the Investigations.

In an affidavit filed by Investigation Officer Emmanuel Ngetich, on May 15,2018 The Inspector General National Police received a letter from Ministry of Foreign Affairs that Gitau left Dubai on March 4,2018 with stolen money amounting to AED 5 Million (140 million).

The prosecution through Lindsey Mugambi told trial Magistrate Bernard Nzakyo that police require an order of the court to hold the suspect to allow them complete investigations.

The prosecutor said that the DCI launched investigations immediately and informed the Director of Immigration Services on May 15, 2018 to place the mentioned suspects on movement control and on July 3, 2018 the first suspect Rebecca Mueni Musau was arrested in Namanga border control trying to cross to Tanzania without any apparent reasons.

The court heard that she was picked, interrogated at her place residence in Kamulu Kangundo road was searched and a total of Sh 13,130,000 was recovered without any accountability.

The DCI through Interpol Nairobi received an international warrant in case No. 26251/2018 Criminal Dubai against the Musau.

M’s Mugambi said that the second suspect Gitau was arrested on November 6, 2018 at his home in Mwihoko area and a total of Sh 240,000 was recovered from his house with some land title deeds.

It is said that on March 4, 2018, the respondents together with others bot before court stole the said amount from a Company named Transguard cash on transit vehicle destined for refilling ATM at Dierra city mall in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

The officer told Magistrate Bernard Nzakyo that the investigations into this weighty matters requires ample time so as to visit areas of interest which the suspect might have hidden some other monies including bank accounts.

“I swear this affidavit in support of my application for the said respondents not to be granted bail until such time the investigations are completed in order to dissuade them from interfering with the ongoing investigations,” Said Ngetich.

Mueni had been arraigned in court on July 5, 2018 where the police also sought to detain her for 14 days.

The court further heard that the police will be seeking to have the lady extradited to Dubai where she is wanted.

Three Kenyan suspects are believed to have returned to the country after the robbery.

United Arab Emirates security operatives are collaborating with Kenya police and Interpol officers in the search for the gang.

Theft of money in transit is very rare in Dubai, police said. Security firms providing money transit services are trained regularly to keep a track of their employees.