Isaack Ibrein Robow driver attached to the two Cuban doctors who were kidnapped by suspected Al Shabaab militants last week in Mandera County before Milimani Magistrate Court.


A driver attached to the two Cuban doctors who were kidnapped by suspected Al Shabaab militants last week in Mandera County will be held for 15 days to enable the police complete investigations into the matter.

Isaack Ibrein Robow was presented before Milimani Resident Magistrate Muthoni Nzibe under a tight security on Monday.
The Anti-terrorism police Unit sought to detain the accused person for 15 days as they conclude investigations.

The two doctors Landy Rodriguez (a surgeon) and Herera Correa (general practitioner) were on Friday abducted in Mandera town by alleged Al-Shabaab insurgents.

In an affidavit Inspector Abdishakur Adan attached to ATPU said investigations over the kidnap is still on going. He said teams of investigators are yet interrogate the suspect.

“Due to security reasons l do request that the respondent (Robow) to be detained at a police station within Nairobi county,” said Adan

The officer told the court that information gathered so far shows that Robow was involved in the kidnap plot as he was in communication with several individuals.

“That intelligence reports so far received, show that the respondent has other associates who were or are assisting him in planning and executing the kidnap and there is need to carry out detailed interviews with the suspect and his associates one arrested with a view of finding out their entire co-conspirators,” said the officer.

Robow is being investigated for several terrorism and related offences among them conspiracy to commit a terrorism act, kidnapping and murder.

The court was informed that the suspects is a flight risk and should remain in custody pending the conclusion of the detailed investigations.

“That the activities of terrorists and their associates pose a great risk to the National security and security of the entire peace loving human race in the world and Robow’s actions must be fully investigated,” said the officer.

Adan also said that the nature of the suspect possible involvement in the planning of the attack, shows that he possesses the capacity and financial muscle to interfere with investigations, arrest of his associates, plan more attacks, interfere with possible witnesses, obstruct investigations and thus should remain in custody.

“ The court should take the judicial notice of terror attacks which have previously occurred in the country leading to death of innocent persons both in Kenya and foreigner leading great public anger and apprehension,” said the officer while seeking more time to detain the suspect.

Adan informed the court that efforts to trace and rescue the two Cuban doctors are underway and the same is being carried out by a multi-agency team.

The officer also says that during arrest of the suspect they discovered that the Robow was using two mobile phone numbers and they are yet to obtain the call data records for the purpose of detailed analysis.

“One Mobile Phone Nokia TA-1030 was recovered which is currently being forensically being investigated and reports are yet to be obtained and analysed,” says Adan.

The court heard that the attackers who are suspected to be three in number on the material day shot and killed administration police officer Mutundo Katambo Ngala and Kidnapped the two Cuban Doctors.

The officer further informed the court that the attackers escaped with the two doctors towards Bulla Hawa in Somalia

The magistrate directed the case to be mentioned on April 30, 2019 for further directions.

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