

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho and his Kilifi counterpart Amason Kingi  who are alleged to be facing harassment and intimidation by the government at Milimani law courts.


The Orange Democratic Party has taken on the government over alleged harassment and intimidation of its leaders at the coast.

ODM through its leader Raila Odinga told the court that there has been a persistent state sponsored harassment and intimidation of the leadership of the Orange Democratic Movement after the Malindi By-election which was won by ODM candidate Bakari Mtengo.

The High Court sitting in Malindi upheld the position of ODM and issued orders stopping any harassment and or intimidation of the leaders pending the hearing and determination of the case.

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho and his Kilifi counterpart Amason Kingi who stand with the statements of their party leader told the court that the government has politically instigated a selective profiling of ODM leaders.

“The government through its leadership has been systematic and orchestrated using coast region security coordinator Nelson Malwa to issue several public statement and pronouncements threatening the arrest and withdrawal of ODM leaders’ firearms,” they say.

Raila says that on Monday March 22 2016, the two governors and other leaders received telephone summons from the DCIO Malindi to appear at the Police Stations to answer to alleged charges of robbery with violence.

The party also contends that Governor Joho’s security men Bernard Kiplagat, Jonathan Kipruto and Munyi Kassim have been withdrawn and charged with robbery with violence.

Other members of ODM, Raila says have been arbitrarily arrested, illegally confined and harassed since the Malindi by-election and now, live as fugitives in their County as a result of constant summons and threats of arrest by the police following their involvement in celebrating the victory of Malindi MP Mtengo.

Governor Joho also claims that ODM Director of Communications Mr Philip Etale was arrested by 20 policemen from his room at Rafiki Hotel in Malindi on Monday, March 7, 2016 between 1:00am and 2:00am from where he was taken to Kilifi Police Station on allegations of possession of election materials. His vehicle was also impounded.

According to the party, ODM leaders at the coast are entitled to freedoms from discrimination, security of person, right to human dignity and freedoms of association, conscience and to political rights protected under the Constitution.

Raila says that he is also aware of a local ODM activist Leila Tingakiti who was intimidated by Administration Police at Sir Ali Bin Salim Primary School polling station who initially turned her away denying her the right to vote but only yielded after the intervention of fellow voters.

Governor Joho says that he is apprehensive that their rights are being trampled on under the heavy hand of political machinery and we stand no chance of fair treatment before the law enforcers.

The ODM party wants the court to address the alleged violation.