Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo.junior the son of the late Minister Mutula Kilonzo.
The family of the late Constitutional affairs Cabinet Minister Mutula Kilonzo has agreed to mediation process in the case pending at the family division.
The family is embroiled in a legal battle over his multi-billion-shilling business empire.
The family appeared before High Court Judge Rose Ougo when they agreed to settle the matter out of court.
According to papers filed in court, Mutula Kilonzo wrote his will on the 14th of January 1987 and declared that Pricilla Felista Mutete shall not receive anything from his property or estate.
“I declare that my marriage to her was finally dissolved by the high court of Kenya at Nairobi in Divorce cause No. 1 of 1980 by way of decree Absolute issued on 22/8/85. A certified copy is to be found in my office file NO. 447A/80,’’ reads the will.
The late further declared Mrs. Cyrose Nduku Musau –Nduku Kilonzo as his sole lawful wife and further appointed her together with his father Kilonzo Musembi as sole executors of his will.
He further wrote that his law practice , goodwill and all fixtures , furniture’s and fittings be sold to the highest bidder and the proceeds there from vested in his estate.
The first option to purchase the said practice shall be given to any advocate practicing with him in the said firm at the time of his death and opportunity given to him or her to pay any price agreed over a period of 24 months.
It is this will that Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jr, Rose Wanza, Kethi Kilonzo and Michael Musembi are opposed to their step-mother Cyrose Nduku single-handedly dividing the estate according.
The children want the court to stop Nduku from disposing off, transferring or alienating shares of all private companies in their late father’s estate pending confirmation of grant she had applied for.
The matter is coming mention on the March 21st.