Lawyer Professor Kiama Wangai for Professor Stanely Ominde Khainga speaking to NairobiTimez at Milimani Law Courts on Thursday October 25,2018/PHOTO BY S.A.N.


Nairobi Hospital is facing a tough legal battle by a Senior doctor who was allegedly suspended by the institution’s management for unexplained reason.

Professor Stanely Ominde Khainga wants Employment and Labour Relations Court to lift two suspension letters issued by the Hospital management one dated 8 October 2018.

The aggrieved doctor through his lawyer Professor Kiama Wangai, told Justice Bryan Oganyo, that the action by the hospital management is unlawful and actuated by malice.

He argues that the suspension is against the rules of natural justice meant to deny the petitioner’s right to earn a living.

“The reason for suspension of admitting rights have no connection to employment contract with petitioner and hospital management” the lawyer says.

Professor furthur avers that no investigation has been conducted in relation to the death June Malupi who passed on while undergoing operation.

Similarly he claims that the management has acted contrary to its information contained in booklet by the standard audit and ethics committee which guideline on how such suspension can be issued against a doctor.

The presiding judge directed the petitioner’s lawyer to serve the hospital with suit papers and the matter be heard by all parties on 31 October 2018.

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