
Human rights activist Boniface Mwangi who has vowed never to apologize to Deputy President William Ruto over a tweet the vice president claims is libelous.


Controversial activist Boniface Mwangi has declined to apologize to Deputy President William Ruto over a tweet the vice president claims is libelous.

Through lawyer Gitobu Imanyara, Mr Mwangi has said he will not retract, withdraw or apologize to the Vice President over the contested tweet.

“Our instructions are that for reasons set out below our client will not retract, correct, withdraw or apologize for the said tweet,” read the response letter to the VP through the lawyer.

Mr Ruto had in a letter dated September 30, issued a notice to Mr Mwangi, to correct a tweet the activist had published on September 28, and apologizes or else a case will be filled against him, for recovery of damages, and other remedies.

Mr Mwangi argues that as long as Mr Ruto continues to holds a public office, he must accept that he will attract and continue to attract both praise, and robust criticism for any conduct or behavior that falls below the requirements of the Leadership and Integrity provisions set out in Chapter VI of the Constitution.

“The Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya is a State Office. The holder of that office is accountable to the people of Kenya. As long as he holds that office he must accept that he will attract and continue to attract not only praise where it is due but also most robust criticism for any conduct or behavior that falls below the requirements of the Leadership and Integrity provisions set out in Chapter VI of the Constitution,” stated Mr Mwangi’s reply letter.

The letter accuses Deputy President of being selective by picking Mr Mwangi out of other people because of his consistent defence of the public interest.

Mr Mwangi claims he has been subjected to death threats, torture, malicious prosecution and countless intimidations all geared to silence him. He sees the threat contained in your letter as falling in this category of harassment.

Lawyer Kioko Kilukumi for the DP said the retraction and apology should be made within seven days failure to which a case will be filed in court.

“Our instructions are that on September 28, 2016 through a social media platform (Twitter) using your personal Twitter handle with the name Boniface Mwangi (@bonifacemwangi) at 11:58am, you posted the defamatory words against our client,” stated lawyer Kilukumi.

He indicated that the words have severely injured Mr Ruto’s reputation, adding that the post by the activist have also exposed the VP to shame, hatred, contempt, anguish and animosity and has dented his political career.