Pastor Ezekiel Odero lawyers Danstan Omari and Samson Nyaberi engaging outside Milimali Law Courts Building after issuing statement that the preacher is tax compliance ./PHOTO BY S.A.N.


Kilifi-based preacher Ezekiel Odero has dismissed claims by the government that he is not tax compliant.

Through his lawyers Danstan Omari and Samson Nyaberi, the preacher said the church has always complied with statutory requirements and obtained tax compliance certificates.

Omari said Churches are exempted from taxation if the proceeds are realized are ploughed back to the society.

The lawyer said although the church is exempt from paying taxes, the government wants to tax his church and forcibly take over the properties of the church.

“Paragraph 10 of the First Schedule of the Income Tax Act stipulates that gains or profits from the business activities of organisations such as churches are exempt from taxation if they are used for religious purposes, or by their beneficiaries for work in connection to religious purposes or, are rent incomes,” Omari said.

Omari questioned the government’s motive in demanding the tax compliance certificate.

The lawyers tabled a tax compliance certificate dated June 29, 2022 state issued the New Life Prayer Center-Church a certificate valid until June 28 this year.

“This is to confirm that New Life Prayer Centre-church, Personal Identification Number P051523861H has filed relevant tax returns and paid taxes due as provided by Law. This Certificate will be valid for twelve (12) months up to 28/06/2023,” state Taxman tax compliance certificate issued to pastor Ezekiel.

Omari said the preacher will not relent in the fight to stop plans to seize the church’s property using all legal means.

He claimed that there is a persecution of the Christian faith and all stage agencies have been told trade their guns on pastor Ezekiel.

Lawyer Omari added the preacher has no connection to Shakahola killings, where more than 130 bodies have been retrieved from mass graves.

Another preacher Paul Mackenzie is in police custody over the deaths and attempts by the police to link the two preachers has been fought by his lawyers as attempts to detain him for 60 days, pending conclusion of investigations, was rejected by a Kilifi court.

Omari also faulted the move by a Milimani court ordering a freeze of Pastor Odero’s bank accounts, following an application by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

“The state not being satisfied, they went for the church and we gave the system a second bloody blow and the church is now operating following court orders ,” said lawyer Omari.